European Federation of Associations of Locks & Builders Hardware Manufacturers ARGE

The objectives of ARGE are:

  • To provide an opportunity to meet colleagues and discuss common problems and opportunities.
  • To represent the interests of members on any European or international body.
  • To represent and to take any appropriate action to protect the interests of its members, in particular:

-    in matters of standardisation
-    in matters of regulatory rules resp. legislation
-    in the sphere of International Trade competition

  • To collect and disseminate information of particular importance to the membership.
  • To support its members in progressing of standards development and the creation of special Working Groups.
  • Full membership is open to all appropriate National Industry Associations having voluntary membership and domiciled in Europe.

The ARGE Board

  • The Chairman plus 2-6 Board members.
  • Board members are proposed and appointed by the General Meeting.
  • Chairman and Board members come from different member countries.
  • ARGE´s Secretary General