Project "Bezpečná země"

   "A country is safe if we feel safe ourselves."

MEZA is a partner in CMZS project called Bezpečná země (= Safe country)

This project helps people to recognize quality and safe products and protect them from unfair sellers, who use the ignorance of customers and use various sales tricks in order to sell the maximum.

We want:

  • explain how to properly and effectively secure your flat, house, property
  • provide a foothold for the general public to obtain the necessary information
  • explain and show how to recognize the real elements of security
  • to recommend certified quality products and systems from proven manufacturers and brands - licensing partners of the project Bezpečná země and connect the theory of interpretation of standards, the issue of securing buildings and crime prevention with practise
  • offer the services and experience of CMZS and its network of members for professional qualified installation, warranty and servise of these products